ANNA Style Consulting

Dress for Success

Why do you need image- and style consulting?

In our seminars we are always asked if we have a tip for a style consultation. ANNA image expert Katrin Hermanns is there to help you find your own style.

The most important thing is that you feel comfortable. No forced corsets, no fast trends and no unflattering outfits in which you feel insecure. New career paths often make a makeover necessary as well. With a new look, you can express the inner transformation processes you have gone through on the outside as well.

Katrin will go shopping with you or just show you what her recommendation would be - according to your wishes. Her goal is to let your inner self shine. Feel well dressed, become stylish and show Personality!


Dress for Success

Convincing at first sight


They say clothes make the (wo-)man. For this reason, you should ask yourself the question: If clothes make the man – who do I want to be? Do you feel comfortable in your clothes, are you well equipped for the demands that await you personally every day? 

Together with our styling and image expert Katrin Hermanns, you will explore these questions and develop self-confidence and a sense of your own style. Have your closet analyzed and finally sort out the clothes that don’t bring you joy and don’t underline your type.

Win over others

The higher you climb the career ladder, the more important a well-groomed and appealing appearance becomes. Social occasions and unfamiliar environments can be scary if you don’t know how to dress for the occasion. With our ANNA style consultation, we’ll figure out how to dress for the occasion while still staying true to yourself and feeling comfortable in your skin. Which accessories will help you? Which basics are a must for every closet?

If you wish, we will accompany you in your shopping and help you to choose timeless pieces that underline your type and give you pleasure for a long time. We explain the properties of different materials and sharpen your eye for quality. Break away from fast-moving trends and develop into a true style icon who confidently wears what she likes.

First impressions matter

After just a few seconds, a first impression is formed that often lasts forever. We have in our hands how others remember us. Therefore, we should ensure that this first moment remains in the memory and provides a positive experience. Both professionally and privately, a confident appearance, an authentic personality and a positive charisma is the key to your success. With our ANNA style consulting and the experienced image consultant Katrin Hermanns, you have the perfect partners at your side to develop your own style. The color and style consultant accompanies you on the exciting journey to the new you.

Appear more confident

With ANNA style consulting you will find out what really suits you and how to express your personality with the right clothes. A well-founded style consultation examines which colors best suit your type and, together with you, finds out which clothes you feel comfortable in. If you wish, our style consultant will accompany you shopping or give you a list of recommendations to provide expert and practical assistance.

With the right look, you will feel confident, be able to convince others and appear confident and relaxed. Our ANNA style consultation will help you look professional and elegant without bending over backwards. With the right accessories, you can emphasize your individuality and become the best version of yourself. Our style and image consultant Katrin Hermanns will help you choose the right cuts that emphasize your assets and put together an outfit that fits you like a second skin. Radiate success and self-confidence at first glance – with ANNA style consulting.

Leadership in Style

Often, a career change to the executive suite is accompanied by the impression that, even as a woman, you now have to dress in a masculine way. But pantsuits or suits are not always the only choice for a woman who is firmly established in her career. Dare to go your own way and show style! You don’t have to dress up to be perceived as a successful woman standing in life. Develop your personal successful look together with ANNA style consulting.

Clothes that fit well, quality materials and flattering colors that show off your type. Free yourself from inner barriers and unfold your own personality so that you convince others of yourself at first sight. Sneakers with a pantsuit? Why not? We’ll show you how to do it elegantly and skillfully and not lose any credibility. What should you look out for when invited to special occasions? Which faux pas should you avoid and is there a recipe for the perfect outfit? With ANNA style consulting, we give you very practical and real-life tips on how to present yourself to others and stay true to yourself.